How to Use XLOOKUP in Google Sheets

XLOOKUP is a powerful function in Excel that allows you to look up values in a table or range based on a specified criteria. However, Google Sheets does not have a direct equivalent to the XLOOKUP function. Instead, Google Sheets has a combination of functions that can achieve similar results, such as INDEX, MATCH, VLOOKUP, and HLOOKUP.

To achieve a similar result to XLOOKUP in Google Sheets, you can use a combination of the INDEX and MATCH functions. Here's how:

  1. Open your Google Sheets document or create a new one.
  2. Identify the range of data that you want to search in. For this example, we'll use the following dataset:
A         B
1  Product  Price
2  Apple    1.00
3  Orange   0.75
4  Banana   0.50
5  Grapes   1.50
  1. Determine the value you want to look up. In this example, we'll search for the price of "Banana."
  2. Use the INDEX and MATCH functions together to perform the lookup. In an empty cell, enter the following formula:
=INDEX(B2:B5, MATCH("Banana", A2:A5, 0))
  1. Press Enter. The formula will return the price of "Banana" (0.50).

In this example, the INDEX function returns a value from the range B2:B5 based on the row number provided by the MATCH function. The MATCH function searches for "Banana" in the range A2:A5 and returns the relative position (row number) where it found the value. The "0" at the end of the MATCH function indicates that we want an exact match.

Remember to adjust the ranges and lookup value according to your dataset and needs.

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