How to Use the PMT Function in Google Sheets

The PMT function in Google Sheets is used to calculate the periodic payment for a loan or an investment based on constant payments and a constant interest rate. The syntax for the PMT function is:

=PMT(rate, number_of_periods, present_value, [future_value], [end_or_beginning])



Let's say you want to calculate the monthly payment for a loan of $10,000 with an annual interest rate of 5% and a loan term of 2 years (24 months). Here's how you would use the PMT function in Google Sheets:

  1. Open Google Sheets and create a new or open an existing spreadsheet.
  2. In an empty cell, enter the following formula:
=PMT(5%/12, 24, 10000)

In this example:

  1. Press Enter, and Google Sheets will calculate the monthly payment for the loan. The result will be displayed as a negative number since it represents a payment (an outflow of money).

If you want to display the result as a positive number, you can use the ABS function to get the absolute value:

=ABS(PMT(5%/12, 24, 10000))

That's it! Now you know how to use the PMT function in Google Sheets to calculate loan or investment payments.

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