How to Use Count Unique IF Function in Google Sheets

The COUNTUNIQUEIF function does not exist in Google Sheets. However, you can achieve the same results by combining the COUNTUNIQUE and FILTER functions. This combination allows you to count unique values based on specific criteria.

Here's how to use the COUNTUNIQUE and FILTER functions to count unique values based on specific criteria:

  1. Open your Google Sheet or create a new one.
  2. Prepare your data in a table format, with headers for each column.


Let's say we have the following dataset:

Order ID Customer ID Product Quantity
1 1001 Apples 10
2 1002 Oranges 15
3 1001 Bananas 20
4 1003 Apples 5
5 1001 Apples 10
6 1002 Oranges 10
7 1003 Bananas 5

In this example, we want to count the unique customers who purchased "Apples". The formula will be as follows:

=COUNTUNIQUE(FILTER(B2:B8, C2:C8 = "Apples"))

Here's a breakdown of the formula:

  1. Click on an empty cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Enter the formula mentioned above and press Enter.
  3. The result will be displayed in the selected cell. In this example, the result is 2, since there are 2 unique customers who purchased "Apples" (Customer IDs 1001 and 1003).

You can modify the formula according to your dataset and criteria. This method allows you to count unique values based on specific conditions in Google Sheets.

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