How to Select Every Nth Row in Google Sheets

To select every Nth row in Google Sheets, you can use filters or a formula to create a new column and then sort or filter your data based on that column. The following methods will help you select every Nth row in Google Sheets:

Method 1: Using a Formula and a Helper Column

  1. Add a new column to your sheet. Let's say you want to select every 3rd row, so insert a new column (right-click on the column header and click "Insert 1 left" or "Insert 1 right") and name it "Every 3rd Row" or something similar.
  2. In the first cell of the new column (for example, D1), enter the following formula: =MOD(ROW(),3)=1. This formula checks if the current row number is a multiple of 3 and returns TRUE or FALSE.
  3. Copy this formula down to the rest of the cells in the new column. You can do this by clicking on the cell containing the formula (D1), then clicking on the small blue square at the bottom-right corner of the cell and dragging it down to fill the entire column.
  4. Click on the column header to select the entire column.
  5. Go to the "Data" tab in the menu and click on "Create a filter." This will add filter icons to the header of each column.
  6. Click on the filter icon in the header of the new column (Every 3rd Row) and uncheck "Select all."
  7. Check only the box next to "TRUE" and click "OK." This will filter your data to show only every 3rd row.

Method 2: Using Google Sheets' Filter Views

  1. Click on "Data" in the menu at the top of the sheet.
  2. Click on "Filter views" and then click "Create new filter view."
  3. A new filter view will be created, and you'll notice a black border around your data.
  4. Right-click on the row headers (the numbers to the left of the rows) and click "Insert 1 above" to add a new row at the top of your data.
  5. In the first cell of the new row (A1), enter the formula =MOD(ROW(),N)=X, where N is the interval (e.g., 3 for every 3rd row), and X is the row number within that interval (e.g., 1 for the first row, 2 for the second row, etc.). For example, to select every 3rd row starting from the first row, enter =MOD(ROW(),3)=1.
  6. Copy this formula across the entire first row by clicking on the cell containing the formula (A1), then clicking on the small blue square at the bottom-right corner of the cell and dragging it to the right to fill the entire row.
  7. Click on any cell in the first row and then click on "Data" in the menu at the top of the sheet.
  8. Click on "Filter views" and then click on the existing filter view (usually named "Filter 1").
  9. Click on the filter icon in the first column header (A) and uncheck "Select all."
  10. Check only the box next to "TRUE" and click "OK." This will filter your data to show only every Nth row.

Remember that filter views are temporary and will not affect the original data. They are useful when you want to view or analyze a portion of your data without modifying the original sheet.


In this example, we will select every 4th row in a Google Sheet:

  1. Add a new column to your sheet, and name it "Every 4th Row."
  2. In the first cell of the new column (e.g., D1), enter the following formula: =MOD(ROW(),4)=1.
  3. Copy this formula down to the rest of the cells in the new column by clicking on the cell containing the formula (D1), then clicking on the small blue square at the bottom-right corner of the cell and dragging it down to fill the entire column.
  4. Click on the column header to select the entire column.
  5. Go to the "Data" tab in the menu and click on "Create a filter." This will add filter icons to the header of each column.
  6. Click on the filter icon in the header of the new column (Every 4th Row) and uncheck "Select all."
  7. Check only the box next to "TRUE" and click "OK." This will filter your data to show only every 4th row.
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