How to Link to Another Tab in Google Sheets

To link to another tab in Google Sheets, you can use the HYPERLINK function or create a clickable drawing object. Here are the steps for both methods:

Method 1: Using HYPERLINK function

  1. Click on the cell where you want to create the link.
  2. Enter the HYPERLINK formula in the format: =HYPERLINK("#gid=TabID", "Link Text") Replace "TabID" with the ID of the tab you want to link to, and "Link Text" with the text you want to display.
  3. To find the TabID, click on the tab you want to link to and look at the address bar. You will see a URL like: Copy the number after "gid=" and use it as the TabID in the HYPERLINK formula.
  4. Press Enter to create the link.

Method 2: Using a clickable drawing object

  1. Click on "Insert" in the top menu.
  2. Select "Drawing" from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the drawing window, create a shape or text box that you want to use as the link.
  4. Click "Save and Close" to add the drawing to your sheet.
  5. Right-click on the drawing object and select "Link."
  6. In the "Link" window, choose "Sheets in this spreadsheet" from the "Link to" dropdown menu.
  7. Select the tab you want to link to and click "Apply."


Let's say you have a Google Sheet with three tabs: "Sales", "Expenses", and "Summary". You want to create a link in the "Summary" tab that will take you to the "Expenses" tab.

First, find the TabID for the "Expenses" tab by clicking on it and looking at the address bar. Let's assume the TabID is "123456789".

Now, go back to the "Summary" tab and click on the cell where you want to create the link. Enter the HYPERLINK formula:

=HYPERLINK("#gid=123456789", "Go to Expenses")

Press Enter to create the link. Now you have a clickable link in the "Summary" tab that takes you to the "Expenses" tab.

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