How to Filter from Another Sheet in Google Sheets

To filter data from another sheet in Google Sheets, you can use the QUERY or FILTER function. These functions allow you to import and display data from one sheet to another based on specific criteria. Here's how to use both functions:

Using the QUERY Function

  1. Open your Google Sheets document.
  2. Click on the cell where you want to display the filtered data.
  3. Use the QUERY function to reference the data from the other sheet. The syntax for the function is:
=QUERY(SheetName!Range, "SELECT columns WHERE condition")

Replace SheetName with the name of the sheet containing the data, Range with the range of cells you want to filter, columns with the column(s) you want to display, and condition with the condition(s) the data must meet.

Example: Using the QUERY Function

Let's say you have a sheet named "Sales" containing sales data, and you want to filter all sales made by a specific salesperson, "John Doe," into another sheet. You can use the following formula:

=QUERY(Sales!A1:E, "SELECT A, B, C, D, E WHERE D = 'John Doe'")

This formula will display all rows from columns A to E in the "Sales" sheet where the value in column D is "John Doe".

Using the FILTER Function

  1. Open your Google Sheets document.
  2. Click on the cell where you want to display the filtered data.
  3. Use the FILTER function to reference the data from the other sheet. The syntax for the function is:
=FILTER(SheetName!Range, Condition)

Replace SheetName with the name of the sheet containing the data, Range with the range of cells you want to filter, and Condition with the condition(s) the data must meet.

Example: Using the FILTER Function

Continuing with the previous example, let's use the FILTER function to filter the sales data for "John Doe":

=FILTER(Sales!A1:E, Sales!D1:D = "John Doe")

This formula will display all rows from columns A to E in the "Sales" sheet where the value in column D is "John Doe".

Both QUERY and FILTER functions can be used to filter data from another sheet in Google Sheets. Choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences.

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