How to Use COUNTA with Criteria in Excel

Using COUNTA with Criteria in Excel

COUNTA function in Excel is used to count the number of non-empty cells in a range. However, COUNTA itself does not support criteria. To count cells based on certain criteria, you can use COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, or a combination of SUMPRODUCT and ISNUMBER functions.

Here's how to use each of these functions to count cells based on criteria:


COUNTIF function is used when you have only one criterion.

Syntax: =COUNTIF(range, criteria)

Example: Let's say you have a list of fruits in column A (A1:A10) and you want to count the number of cells that contain the word "Apple".

=COUNTIF(A1:A10, "Apple")


COUNTIFS function is used when you have multiple criteria.

Syntax: =COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]...)

Example: Let's say you have a list of fruits in column A (A1:A10) and their quantities in column B (B1:B10). You want to count the number of cells that contain the word "Apple" and have a quantity greater than 5.

=COUNTIFS(A1:A10, "Apple", B1:B10, ">5")


If you want to count cells based on criteria that involve text manipulation or more complex conditions, you can use SUMPRODUCT and ISNUMBER functions.

Syntax: =SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(substring, range)))))

Example: Let's say you have a list of fruits in column A (A1:A10) and you want to count the number of cells that contain the word "Apple" as part of their text.


In this example, the SEARCH function looks for the word "Apple" within each cell in the range A1:A10. The ISNUMBER function returns TRUE if the SEARCH function finds the word "Apple", and FALSE otherwise. The double hyphen (--) is used to convert TRUE/FALSE values into 1/0. Finally, the SUMPRODUCT function adds up these values to give the final count.

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