How to Use an IF Function with Dates in Excel

To use an IF function with dates in Excel, you need to use the following syntax:

=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

The logical test will compare two dates, and the function will return a specific value based on whether the test is true or false. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use an IF function with dates in Excel:

  1. Open Excel and create a new worksheet.
  2. Enter your dates in two separate cells. For example, enter the start date in cell A2 and the end date in cell B2.
  3. In another cell (e.g., C2), type the following formula to compare the two dates:

=IF(A2<B2, "True", "False")

In this example, the logical_test is "A2<B2" which checks if the start date (A2) is earlier than the end date (B2). If the test is true, the formula will return "True", otherwise, it will return "False".

  1. Press Enter to complete the formula. The cell will display either "True" or "False" based on the comparison of the two dates.
  2. You can also use other logical operators like "=", ">=", "<=", and "<>" to compare the dates.
  3. If you want to return a different value instead of "True" or "False", you can replace them in the formula.


Let's say you have a list of tasks with their start dates in column A and end dates in column B. You want to check if the tasks were completed on time or not. The deadline for the tasks is in cell D1.

  1. Enter the task names in column A (A2:A5), start dates in column B (B2:B5), and end dates in column C (C2:C5).
  2. In cell D1, enter the deadline date.
  3. In cell D2, enter the following formula:

=IF(C2<=D$1, "On Time", "Late")

This formula checks if the end date (C2) is on or before the deadline (D$1). If true, it returns "On Time"; otherwise, it returns "Late".

  1. Press Enter to complete the formula.
  2. Copy the formula in cell D2 and paste it into cells D3:D5 to apply the formula for the other tasks.

Now, column D will show whether each task was completed on time or late, based on the comparison of the end dates with the deadline date.

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