How to Convert Date to Month and Year in Excel

To convert a date to month and year in Excel, you can use the TEXT function. The TEXT function allows you to format a date or number as a text string in a specific format.

Here are the steps to convert date to month and year in Excel:

  1. Open your Excel worksheet and locate the cell with the date you want to convert.
  2. In an empty cell, type the following formula: =TEXT(A1, "mmmm yyyy") (replace A1 with the cell reference of the date you want to convert).
  3. Press Enter to apply the formula.

This will convert the date to month and year format, displaying the full month name and the four-digit year.


Let's say you have a date in cell A1, which is "09/15/2021".

  1. In cell B1, type the following formula: =TEXT(A1, "mmmm yyyy")
  2. Press Enter to apply the formula.

Now, cell B1 will show the converted date as "September 2021".

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