COUNT vs. COUNTA in Excel

COUNT vs. COUNTA in Excel

COUNT and COUNTA are two functions in Excel that are used for counting cells containing data. While both functions serve a similar purpose, there are distinct differences between them.

COUNT is used to count the number of cells that contain numbers, including dates and times, within a specified range. It ignores any cells containing text, logical values, or errors.

COUNTA, on the other hand, is used to count the number of cells that are not empty, meaning they contain any type of data, including numbers, text, logical values, errors, and even empty text strings.

Example: Using COUNT and COUNTA in Excel

In this example, we will compare the usage of COUNT and COUNTA functions on a sample dataset.

Sample dataset:

Sales Rep Region Sales Year
John Doe East 2500 2020
Jane Smith West 3000 2020
(empty) South (empty) 2020
Mark Brown North 2000 (empty)
#N/A Central 1000 2019

To count the number of cells containing numbers in column C (Sales), we use the COUNT function:


The result is 4, as there are four cells containing numbers in the specified range (C2, C3, C5, and C6).

To count the number of non-empty cells in column B (Region), we use the COUNTA function:


The result is 5, as there are five cells containing data in the specified range (B2, B3, B4, B5, and B6). Note that COUNTA counts the cell with an error value (#N/A) as well.

In summary, COUNT is used to count cells containing numbers, while COUNTA is used to count non-empty cells, regardless of the data type. Both functions can be helpful in different situations, depending on the type of data you are working with in Excel.

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